Happy New Year 2008.
By the end of last year, I didn't do anything special to celebrate 2008.
Not like I am not excited about the new year, but I just wanna be settled and relaxed.
Around 20 after 3:00 pm yesterday afternoon, someone from the past walked into our office.
I didn't know who she was; even she talked to one of our work colleagues.
I thought she is just one of June's friends, simply because she asked for June.
However, it turned out to be Melissa J.
It has been a while since last time I wrote something about my life.
There were so many things going on in my life and my work.
In the middle of August, the company moved from Surrey to Langley.
I felt like I had been treated like a slave.
Business account set up: Basterd Customers Suck
Oh...so suddenly I'd been promoted to be the credit manager in my company.
Now I get to review all the applicants' applications and their references
and then audit their credits and set terms.
今天 公司幫Pam 辦了一個Suprise Fairwell Party
Pam 的family 要回去 New Zealand
最近的幾個月 都在做一些工作交接
我 當然也跑不掉 分到了不少 extra work...(Darn it!)
Honestly, when it comes to work, you have to be able to laugh about your job as much as you can.
Otherwise, it has a very high chance that you may/will go insane.
How so??