
原來 被人讚美 是可以讓人感覺飄飄欲仙的程度到120%

自從開始上班之後 我的同事們都不吝於讚美我
讚美我 Nice
讚美我 Cute
讚美我 Pretty
讚美我 Sweet
讚美我 Innocent
讚美我 Smart
讚美我是 Sweet Angel....

He said to me this morning "Here comes my sweetie."

"You look very pretty today. You look lovely with your curvely hair I assure you."

我是 Marchello的Sweetie...Sweetheart....Nice Girl....

Karen....the sweetest angel in my life said to me this morning "You look hot, baby!"

是因為 我穿短裙和靴子嗎?


向來一有什麼講什麼的Shirley said to me this morning.."You look so freaking cute today. Are you going for a date after work?"
"and nice boots by the way. Very cute! I like them."

Martine...永遠把"love" 加在話後面的法國人....
After I said good morning to her, she said to me..."You look so beautiful today."

我的主管...從來不吝於教導我的June said to me this morning..."Your hair looks lovely. Did you perm it?"

Deborah....最容易被stressed out的 Inventory manager said to me when I was leaving for the day
"You are all dressed up lately. Are you getting a new boyfriend?"

Ha ha ha! That's what people all think about when I am so dressed up. 

坦白說....聽到這麼多人讚美自己 確實很容易就忘了自己是誰

不過 我想 偶爾的虛榮 也會讓自己更愛自己一點吧~~~



    創作者 Sharon Clara 的頭像
    Sharon Clara

    Clara Clara's Little Place

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